More marketing professionals are needed on the boards of publicly listed companies in Finland.

As we have collected data on the board and management teams of all listed companies in Finland, we are now sharing some interesting insights with you.

Over 50% of listed companies in Finland do not have a single board member with a background in marketing.

This is concerning, given the critical role that marketing plays in driving innovation and revenue growth. Companies without marketing expertise at the highest level may struggle to align their strategic initiatives with market demands, potentially missing out on growth opportunities.

Studies* have made it clear that marketing expertise within a company's boardroom can significantly impact its ability to innovate and drive revenue growth. There is also a notable correlation between the presence of marketing-experienced board members and a company's innovation output. Companies with marketers on their boards tend to have more robust innovation pipelines, as they can better anticipate market trends and customer needs. This ability to innovate is essential for maintaining a competitive edge, particularly in industries undergoing rapid change.

The research* indicates that organizations with marketing-experienced board members often see an increase in revenue. This is likely because these board members can help steer the company toward customer-centric strategies, optimizing product offerings and go-to-market approaches. For Finnish companies, integrating marketing expertise at the board level could be a key lever for unlocking new revenue streams.

We are confident that Finnish listed companies would greatly benefit from increasing the marketing expertise within their boardrooms. As businesses face growing pressure to innovate and adapt, having marketers at the table could make a critical difference in their long-term success.

If you need a marketer for your board, we are happy to help. If you are a marketer looking for board positions, read more here.

*Reference: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science titled "Marketers on Board: The Influence of Marketing-Experienced Board Members (MEBMs) on Firm Innovativeness Inputs and the Moderating Roles of CEO Characteristics" by Ben Lee, Shekhar Misra, and Christophe Haon."


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